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  1. Plug in your shore power.
  2. Remove smoke detector batteries
  3. Relieve water heater pressure, then remove water heater drain plug and completely drain
  4. Clean water heater with wand, refill, and drain again to completely flush and drain.
  5. Empty low point drains.
  6. Empty fresh water tank and leave valve open.
  7. Access water heater and switch water heater valves to “winterize” position.
These hoses are located on the backside of the water heater which is located through a panel under the stove.

8. Close low point drains, and gently plug hot water heater drain with a paper towel.

9. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to Fresh Tank Fill to blow air through Fresh Water Tank.

10. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to blow air through the City Water line

Connect air connector to water input

11. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to blow air through Black Tank Flush & Fresh Water Gravity Fill

12. Access winterizing hose in the pass-thru and switch valve to winterize mode.

Turn switch to point toward the white hose to enable the water system to pump water from the anti-freeze bottle.

13. Insert Anti-freeze hose into bottle and turn on water pump.

14. Run anti-freeze through all water faucets (hot & cold seperately)

15. Turn off the water pump and cap the anti-freeze hose.

16. Cover the toilet ball valve with anti-freeze.

17. Pour anti-freeze into drain traps

18. Clean all faucets of anti-freeze and lay paper towels under faucets.

19. Dump all tanks and close all tank valves.

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