Webster State Park, Stockton, KS – September 17-20, 2020
Thursday, 17 September The Journey to Webster State Park The jump was only a 2-1/2 hours drive. We did get gas about 45 minutes out just because we did not…
Thursday, 17 September The Journey to Webster State Park The jump was only a 2-1/2 hours drive. We did get gas about 45 minutes out just because we did not…
Monday, 14 September Drive to Lake Scott State Park We chose to take State Highway 4 instead of the interstate on our way to the next park. A significant portion…
Saturday, 12 Sept We left the storage lot at 8:30 am, bound for Kanopolis State Park. Google Maps offered two options: an interstate or state highway route, both estimated at…
Monday, August 24 We decided to take a float trip before Savannah started school. Since the rivers were all low from the lack of rain, we opted for the Gasconade…