- Plug in your shore power.
- Remove smoke detector batteries
- Relieve water heater pressure, then remove water heater drain plug and completely drain
- Clean water heater with wand, refill, and drain again to completely flush and drain.
- Empty low point drains.
- Empty fresh water tank and leave valve open.
- Access water heater and switch water heater valves to “winterize” position.
8. Close low point drains, and gently plug hot water heater drain with a paper towel.
9. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to Fresh Tank Fill to blow air through Fresh Water Tank.
10. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to blow air through the City Water line
11. Connect 40-45 PSI of air to blow air through Black Tank Flush & Fresh Water Gravity Fill
12. Access winterizing hose in the pass-thru and switch valve to winterize mode.
13. Insert Anti-freeze hose into bottle and turn on water pump.
14. Run anti-freeze through all water faucets (hot & cold seperately)
15. Turn off the water pump and cap the anti-freeze hose.
16. Cover the toilet ball valve with anti-freeze.
17. Pour anti-freeze into drain traps
18. Clean all faucets of anti-freeze and lay paper towels under faucets.
19. Dump all tanks and close all tank valves.
Another video